The Realm of Outward Action. Everything fire touches transforms into something new. If Air is where new ideas come from, Fire is the push to get it started. Fire urges us forward; reminds us to stay playful; stressed the importance of the passionate romance in all of us.
Fire’s essence is the sprout that cracks open its seed and the determination to continue growing. It is our heartbeat that pumps blood to the extremities of our body and then back again, keeping us alive. This is the elemental quality needed for that spark of inspiration, rush of adrenaline, and ability to party all night long (in whatever way that may look for you).
Although fire is exciting, too much of a good thing usually results in a burnout.
Ways to ignite your inner flame and connect with the elemental quality:
-Meditate with the Ceremonial Flame blend
-Start a fire (in a safe place)
-Fire gaze, letting it mesmerize you into a trance
-Dance, Exercise, Move Your Body
-Eat some heating foods (but maybe not too much?) and some bitters too
-Practice Kapalbhati Pranayama (aka Breath of Fire)
-Actively engage in making a change in your life
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