Cleavers are not for standing still. If you come across them in the wild, you will surely see them sprawled out on the forest floor in search of something to support their climbing habit. They have sticky little hairs all over their stems and leaves, making it quite easy to continue climbing upwards.
This is a cooling, clearing herb with an affinity for the lymphatic system – one of our detoxifiers. Heat and obstruction in the lymphatic system can show up as eczema, rashes, or psoriasis, and cleavers can help soothe that heat while supporting the body’s natural detoxifying methods.
Energetically, I like to use cleavers for as much the same reason I smudge – to clear out inflamed, obstructed energy and soothe my own energetic field. Instead of burning the cleavers, I like to ingest about ¼ of a dropperful of tincture when I feel a bit foggy and heated.
*If you know you are allergic, or get rashes if your bare skin comes into contact with cleavers, DO NOT ingest*
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